Sunday, January 31, 2010

Baby, tux's, hockey, civil war, alphabet

We were trying to get him to roll over, but this is as far as he got.

 Say Cheese!


 Here is my handsome favorite brother in his tux for the wedding. <3
"Get in the net, and make your meanest face!"

Ruby at the civil war museum (pictures to come later)

Ever tried taking pictures of every letter of the alphabet? It's hard believe me.
Below is the first one I took, and above I took in the car (unbelievable) on the way home from the museum.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Candy Necklace

The Maker


Isn't she a beauty?

These next three pictures are the same, but I was experimenting with manual focus.


Puzzle, that amy did. Praise God all the pieces are there!

J'ai deux amors, mon et pay, et paris.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I was made aware last night...

that I was missing pictures from 12-21 to 12-24...that seemed strange to me. I knew I definitely took pictures then..but why weren't they on my computer then???

It turns out my problem was that I took so many pictures I had to put them on 2 memory cards...and that certain memory card never got downloaded to my computer. So here are some of my favorites from that card.

Aunt Dawn and Lydia Christmas Caroling

Emma Writing With A Quill Pen

 Steve Panning for Gold


These were his finds

Ruby with her bone whistle


An amazing feather

An Indian Pouch

Ruby Panning for Gold

Friday, January 15, 2010

AWANA Survivor: Smoothie Contest

Contest between Nathanael Schell, Brandon Parker, Matt Peretic, and Ben McCoy

Friday, January 8, 2010

Christmas Day Part 2

First are some random pictures that we took when we came home Christmas night.


T'ain't this amazin?

hehehe she's gonna kill me.


Amy trying to look like a wookie.


My turn.



Ok now onto gifts..

Tour de Eiffel

Ooh another..


This is a study called Demolishing Strongholds...we're going to do a teen study on it at our house sometime so if you're me at

Best book ever.


Genetics & DNA kit..

Biology book

Ultimate Survivor (*A Worldview Academy DVD*), West Side Story (good movie), and Charlottes Web. And a pocket calendar.

And I got boots.

And of course*...the Anatomic Man.

*See Facebook