Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring is here

Even though I know that the Robins got confused during "The Big Storm" several weeks ago (they were building nests in the snow in the shrubs in front of our house), they are still alive and well. And they obviously don't mind the snow. But thankfully it is nearly gone now. (these pictures were taken a week ago)

The kids couldn't wait to set up their houses and play in the green grass.

Even the trees look beautiful after this horrid winter.

This is a "Find the hidden object" picture. So find the hidden object

And a huge one at that. Sorry I couldn't get a better picture of it. It hopped away as soon as I got outside.

ROME: A visit to that old ancient place of the apostle Paul

My family was able to go to "Rome Week" at New Life Presbyterian Church. It was really neat at how much work they must have put into this. They had divided every family into "teams." We were the light blue team as you can probably see in the pictures from our light blue sashes. The church seemed to go all out with the Rome theme as they had a Market Place the size of a basketball court, a Colosseum, an underground church, a jail and much more. It was fascinating how each person acted as if they really were a Roman citizen. They certainly acted as if none of them knew each other also.

Here is Ruby riding a "chariot" as part of a Colosseum game.

Stephen's turn, as you see he's extremely enjoying it.

Oh..did I mention I hate dust? Yes, that is what those white circles are in the picture. I looked it up because it kept happening whenever I would use the flash in a gym or some place with concrete walls or flooring. And dust is the answer. There isn't anything you can do about it either apparently.

Here is Emily enjoying her chariot ride.

The Colosseum dude managing the line for chariot rides.

Then Elizabeth and I headed over to the marketplace to dress up as Roman Emperors.

And what usually happens when someone else uses my camera, it goes funky on them. *sigh*
We shall be friends forever.

Pardon the grainyness.

Can you tell Elizabeth just LOVES making leather bracelets?

Ruby playing some sort of a stacking game. I really didn't understand it.

Monday, March 15, 2010

As I promised..

Here are more pictures from the casting crowns concert. All edited with my measly editing software that comes with every computer. :) Enjoy!

Ok..I'll start off with a bad one. (but it really looks a ton better than the original)

I just loved this picture. Mark Hall, looking at Melodee singing (next pic) and making this face.