Friday, February 24, 2012

Oh my goodness. Another teenager.

I have contemplated just stopping time and never getting a day older. It was bad enough that Amy turned 16 last month. Now today, Emma is 13. 

Emma is beautiful, sweet, way more mature than any 16 year old I know *cough*amy*cough* and one thing about Emma is she loves to have her picture taken. Which of course makes me her big sissy very happy. :)

She's a very good model too. Willing to do anything I ask.

Emma is always smiling, and she's shares my fascination with movies. Sometimes, she begs to watch things that she technically isn't allowed to, and I let her. (because I am a good sister you know) Emma has a huge fascination with the Jason Bourne movies, Pirates of the Caribbean, and The Dark Knight. (and recently twilight)

She is definitely my sister.

Emma loves to paint and draw. She's an artist. Which also makes me happy, because I hope she can get into the artisitc side of photography one day. One side of which I am slowly learning, but she would pick up very fast, I am sure.

You can usually find Emma sitting in her section of the house which holds all her art supplies. She loves spending time there, listening to audio books, and being creative.

She is also my star pupil. :) I tutor Emma in math and she does fabulous, and always makes it more fun than you'd think math would be to any 13 year old.

So here's to my beautiful grown up little sister whom I love very dearly. Happy Birthday Emma!

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Someone broke a glass.
And it wasn't me.
But I decided to take advantage of it. :)

Let me just say, if the weather is ever like this again, where it doesn't snow the entire year until February, use it!

I've always liked the way that coke ads in magazines looked. 

But they always seem sooo photoshopped.

So when the coke glass broke, that lightbulb went off in my head.
I can be better than them!

So a trip to Target for some Coke

And of course the weather

And I was all set.

And of course you can't just buy coke and not drink it. (even if I did pour half the bottle on the ground)

So what do they say in the commercials? Oh yeah. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Before and After

I usually hate it when people post "before and after" photos, mostly because I'm jealous of their editing skills. But with so much free time on my hands now adays, I sit down and play and play. 
{with photoshop of course}

Meet Larissa & Matt.
I prefer to call them Barbie & Ken...because they are just so adorable!

This is one of my favorites from their engagement session and since I've been playing around a lot, I wanted to show you the difference in the pictures. A few free actions from "Yellow Sky Actions" on facebook {check them out!} and a curves layer can go a long way. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

I don't know about you...

I don't know about you, but for me, blogging is a difficult and time consuming task. I at awesome photographers with amazing blogs all the time, and I wish I had their charming writing skills. But there is only one place to start. So I'll start here.

Emma and I took a walk today. And whenever I go on a walk, I always take my camera. Just in case something happens or is gorgeous. But I was actually taking pictures of Emma for a school assignment this week. So I snapped a few pictures of her in the yard and we went for a walk.

We live next to a housing plan that is on a hill, and so I like to shoot up in there because the people are rich. They all have perfect landscaping. But today it wasn't the landscaping that caught my attention. As we were walking up one street, this dog started barking at us. It was right in the sun so really I couldn't even see anything but it's legs at first. Then as I walked further up the hill, the sun was setting and the dog laid down right there. Making it a perfect silhouette.

I was laughing as Emma was calling it trying to get it to look a certain direction to be a perfect profile. Eventually it did exactly what I wanted it to. And here it is.

So I'm going to try to post at least twice a week. I have so many wedding photos from 2011 that I want to put on here. So stay tuned!