Well Christmas has come around once again. And some may say we did the same old routine. But for some reason this year felt different. I don't know what it was, but it felt so alive; so happy and friendly. No one was rude or selfish, but instead incredibly grateful.
Christmas Eve has always been the day where my family, my aunt and uncles family and my grandparents celebrate Christ's birth. We have breakfast in the morning of pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, and much more. Then once everyone is finished, we head into the living room where the gift exchange between cousins happens. In the first weeks of december, we all draw names to decide who will buy a gift for which cousin. This year there were six of us, and six of them; it worked out perfectly. Then we open the rest of our gifts from my Grandparents. Usually we get a movie and watch it after we eat lunch, but this year, no one wanted to watch any of the educational movies we got. (Christmas Day was the movie day this year) So Amy and I had watched a movie called Though None Go With Me. We both thought it was EXCELLENT! And would highly recommend it to EVERYONE! Well...after convincing Aunt Dawn and Meme that they would love it because it is a real tear jerker, most of us sat down to watch it. It was great, and they loved it. Then we just hung out till dinner, which will be in the next post.

Breakfast..so healthy and yummy!
Fantastic food. The traditional breakfast.
These were the presents for the cousin gift exchange.
Eli had picked Ruby, and he got her a tinker bell nightgown and a wand to go with it. She loves it!
Steve got a puzzle from Meme and Grandpa
I'm reading the classic family movie guide. :)
Ok, so your asking "What is That???" Wizards and Wisemen is a movie/lecture that Bill Jack, one of the speakers at Worldview Academy presents. He is my favorite speaker and has many videos that he has made on Worldview and Evangelism. This summer, we are going on a vacation to the Smokey Mtns. to hear Bill Jack and several other people (Ken Ham, Vodie Bauchman, and more..) in an Answers In Genisis Conference. And a few weeks before that I will also attend Worldview Academy Leadership Camp again, where Bill Jack is going to be the main speaker this year. I'm very excited and await it every day!! So anyways..Wizards and Wisemen is about discerning the good from the bad. It talks about how there are many wizards in movies and yet some of them are portrayed as wisemen, but how can we know which ones are really wise? Well..its over 2 hrs, so I havn't watched it yet. But I"m sure it will be great!

Moving right along..amy got a 1000 piece founding fathers puzzle. It might look like presidents, but its not. We have that one too though!
A Grandpa and A Grandson. :)
After some of the presents are unwrapped, then starts the wrapping paper battle. I prefer not to have my camera out during that time and try to hide from the rapid fire. Yes...my grandparents have found wrapping paper balls weeks after Christmas because of this. But it is FUNNN.
And lastly, here is my wonderful mother. :) She is amazing. I love her sooo much!!