Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Christmas Eve PART 2

On Christmas Eve, my family goes over to my Grandparents side of the house to have breakfast, and open presents...
Waiting for all the adults to come in...


Daddy sitting on one of the little kids...

Still waiting...

He must be part of our family..

Meme, the hostess, my Grandma

Mom got a cook book, Meme bought it when we were in NC. It was made by all the people in Aunt Joanne's church.
Zeb got a dart blower thing...
We had alot of fun, and already everyone's talking about next year.


  1. no pictures of me :(
    love you !!

  2. PS - i love the picture of derrick tho' :) he looks sooo serious but sooo handsome :)
