Sunday, March 11, 2012

Memory Making From Today

Today was a little different from the usual Sunday in our house. Usually I go off to my church, the rest of my family goes off to theirs. Then we come home and sometimes eat lunch together. Then we scatter, take naps, watch movies, and play on the computer..that kind of thing. And usually don't see each other the rest of the day. So today, things were different.

I took my siblings to church with me. And let me tell you, they loved it. It was nice to go to church with my sisters and brother. It was nice to talk to them on the way home and ask them what they learned. It was nice when we sat down and ate hot dogs and baked beans, then realized we had no hot dog buns and I had to run to aldi's. It was great when I got to take them all to the park down the road and watch them roller blade and throw rocks into the water, and chase the geese. It was wonderful to take them out for ice cream and be grossed out when Stephen and Ruby both got playdough ice cream (which I think smells and tastes really bad).

So here are some pictures from the day.

Ruby throwing rocks into the water.

Steve & Emma roller blading away.

Then there were these little kids on the rocks. They were looking at something in the water, and their reflections looked so perfect.

Then the boy got up to leave, and the girls mom said "Come on honey, we're leaving." and she said "But I can't. I'm stuck. I'm too scared! I can't move I'm too scared!" It was the cutest thing with her standing there holding her bear. Reminded me of Penny from the Rescuer's, and it was just begging for a picture.

Then there were some people with this remote controlled boat. It was pretty sweet.

Ruby got tired out real fast. And can I say, only my sister could look this awesome on a park bench. lol 

Some of the geese.

And the of course the day isn't complete without some form of batman.

(yes that is Amy's belt...)

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